one last post! why I’m saying goodbye to MMN

Hi MMN family & friends!

Starting a business has taught me so much about myself over the years, and it's bittersweet to say I've decided to close this chapter of my career. The more I've felt like myself again over the last couple of years, the less aligned this career path has felt. It's not that I'm giving up on my's just no longer my dream and I need to make a tough decision that I ultimately know is right for my long-term health and happiness. 

To be successful as a small business owner you need to live and breathe what you are preaching. And for a long time, nutrition was my life…but my physical and mental health were suffering. I no longer think about food all day, and, for me, that’s actually such a blessing! I’m still passionate about nutrition (I still love eating well and seasonally, and being active), it’s just in such a different way. Food is so much more than nutrition, it's about enjoyment, connection, traditions, memories, culture, and ultimately something to fuel the more exciting aspects of our lives. It has felt so liberating to experience food from that perspective again. Cooking a meal purely for joy, making pancakes on a random morning just because, eating pasta two nights in a row because you’re enjoying time with friends, traveling and not worrying about whether you’re being ‘healthy’. And to remember that having access to these things is a huge privilege in itself!

I’ve learned so much as a Holistic Nutritionist, and the biggest lesson is that taking care of your emotional world and happiness will always have a far greater impact on your health than any strict diet. Finding time to do things that light you up, having strong boundaries, trusting your intuition when something feels off (I’m learning mine is strong…I just need to trust it), and surrounding yourself with kind, honest people who want the best for you (I’m lucky to have a lot of those!). There’s nothing wrong with being on the softer side but I’m also realizing that standing up for yourself and being assertive is equally as important. There will always be people who will try to dim your light, belittle you or create false narratives that serve their agenda. It’s just part of life. Don’t take it personally (it’s not) and continue to stand in your truth. It definitely takes practice but it’s so important.

I came to many of these conclusions when I first launched my website, and I wish I made this decision sooner but it can be really hard to let go of something you thought was your dream and that made up so much of your identity over the years. Change can be scary, especially when it feels like you’re taking a step backward, but if you’re moving forward in a way that will better support your health and happiness I think that will always lead you to success, whatever that looks like for you. And if the one thing I got out of this chapter is a better relationship with food and understanding of myself that is HUGE. 

Something that I've only really shared with close friends and family is that I'm dyslexic (it’s a big deal for me to share that openly because for many years I felt a lot of shame and anxiety about being ‘found out’, which I’m learning is a common feeling among dyslexics). As someone who used to work in communications, I think people are surprised to hear that. I received a lot of help as a kid to learn how to read and write, which is why I was so drawn to a career in comms, but dyslexia isn't something that goes away. It’s how your brain works and processes information. As I get older I am much more aware of how this has impacted my life (in both a positive and negative way) and how important it is to be in a role that suits those unique strengths and weaknesses. Part of what I've loved about starting my own business was having a creative outlet, problem-solving, being observant (I find I easily spot details, patterns and inconsistencies and love connecting the dots), practicing big-picture thinking, and connecting with people. And I hope to embrace these things in whatever comes next (if you have any ideas/opportunities, let’s connect…I’m all ears!). 

All that to say thank you so much for all of your support and encouragement in this chapter of my career. It's not easy putting yourself out there, but it's ten times easier when you have people cheering you on. I love the back-to-school energy of September, it always feels like the perfect time for a new beginning and I'm excited to do a bit of traveling before diving into what’s next. I’ll leave my website and Instagram up for a while or feel free to connect in the long run over Linkedin

Sending you lots of love! 


maggi michelle

Registered Holistic Nutritionist


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